
be late 通常和介词for构成固定搭配

① late

(1)作形容词用,late表示“迟的,晚的”,可作定语或表语,作表语时,常用于be late for结构。

He was late for class. 他上课迟到了。

He left in late autumn. 他在深秋时节离开了。


He came late again. 他又来晚了。

② be late for表示“迟于规定的时间做某事,赶不上做某事”。

She is never late for school. 她上学从不迟到。

③ be late in+动名词表示“做某事迟到了,做迟了”。

Owing to a meeting,I was late in arriving. 由于开会,我来晚了。

He was late in getting up this morning. 他今天早上起床晚了。

如果“be late in+动名词”中的动名词是及物动词,后带有宾语,有时可用be late with代替,后直接跟宾语。

I was late in making supper.

④ later


He arrived later than you. 他到得比你晚。

See you later!再见!

I'll go to see you later. 我以后会去看你的。

(2)表示“过去若干时间之后,将来若干时间之后”,放在表示一段时间的名词后面,如two months later,half an hour later。

They met each other three days later. 他们3天后相见了。

He will come here on Friday and will call on you two days later. 他星期五将来这里,两天后去看你。

late和be late的区别 扩展

区别就是be late为形容词 late的系表结构,具体的不同如下

be late中文意思是晚到,迟到

You think he'd at least have the courtesy to call to say he'd be late.谁都会觉得他至少应该懂得打个电话说一声他要晚来。

late中文意思是adj. 晚期的,末期的;晚的,迟的;近日暮的,近深夜的;已故的;不久前的,最近的

adv. 晚,迟;(时间上)接近终了,在晚年;临近日暮,接近午夜;(时间上)接近终了,临近末了,在晚年

late和be late的区别 扩展

late 迟到,延迟,迟了; 副词修饰动词be late 延后,预期拖延; 形容词修饰名词