
该剧讲述了韩文静、王媛、周小北三个性格迥异的闺蜜各自的情感生活。剧中王媛一直暗恋彭友辉,而彭友辉对王媛也一直很好,互相都有好感,但王媛不知道彭友辉一直有妻子,彭友辉也没处理好家庭关系,她知道这段感情是无果的,所以也选择了放弃,而彭友辉知道自己也给不了王媛什么,最后还是得到了妻子的原谅,回归了家Peng Youhui did not end up with Wang Yuan, but the prodigal son turned around and got back together with his wife.

The play tells the emotional life of Han Wenjing, Wang Yuan and Zhou Xiaobei, three girlfriends with different personalities. Wang Yuan has always had a crush on Peng Youhui in the play, and Peng Youhui has always been very kind to Wang Yuan and has a good impression on each other, but Wang Yuan doesn't know that Peng Youhui has always had a wife. Peng Youhui didn't handle the family relationship well either. She knew that this relationship was fruitless, so she chose to give up, and Peng Youhui knew that she couldn't give Wang Yuan anything. Finally, he was forgiven by his wife and returned to his family.庭。

新闺蜜时代彭友辉结局 扩展


